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Development Coordination Division - Induction
MFEM Grants Awards System
CourseA strong and robust Grant Administration is an essential part to ensuring the relationship between the MFEM and the grant award recipient works well. This course will aim to equip the Grant Administration with these skills.
MFEM Gender Policy and Tools
CourseWomen and Men are equal partners in the development of the Cook Islands and Gender Equality is at the heart of the Economic and Social Progress. Equal value needs to be given to the roles and responsibilities of the country's women and men.
Climate Rationale
CourseHaving an effective climate rationale in project design is essential. The climate rationale explains how changes in environmental livelihoods caused by adverse global weather, affects the vulnerable.
MFEM Environmental and Social Safeguards Standards Framework
CourseThe MFEM Environmental Social Safeguards Standards (ESSS) are essential in any project. Designed to avoid, minimize, reduce or mitigate the adverse environmental and social risks and impacts of all projects. This course aims to cover these standards.
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Proposal Writing
CourseThis Course will provide you with an overview of how to write a project proposal. It will include: 1 - The basic elements of a proposal 2 - The "do's" and "dont's" of writing and submitting a proposal 3 - Introduction to project budgets